Caloteiros nos Estados Unidos

   Caloteiros USA, Caloteiros nos EUA,Online scams, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do Facebook, Waste Business Time, How to Recognize an Online Scammer, The Latest Scams You Need to Be Aware of in 2025, Comunidade Brasileira nos Estados Unidos, Online scams, clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do TikTok, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do TikTok, clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do Facebook, cliente caloteiro|Pesquisa do Linkedin Brasileiros nos Estados Unidos, Online Scammers Stories, Caloteira nos Estados Unidos, Caloteira nos EUA clientes caloteiros|Pesquisa do Linkedin hot check writer, Paypal chargeback customer, Wasted Business Time and Energy. Top Online Scammers, How to Recognize an Online Scammer, The Latest Scams You Need to Be Aware of in 2025, Stole Intellectual Property and kept work for personal gain, Brasileiras nos Estados Unidos, credit card charge back for customer personal gain, cliente caloteiro, cliente caloteira, cliente ladrão, Top Online Scammers,
This domain is paid for the next 20 years plus hosting. Therefore, this site will not go away. We will pass along to the next generation and they will keep this site online on no matter what!
Take care of your business and pay who you owe or remove any copied intellectual property from your website, blog, or any online media and your name will be removed from the Translator and Client Hall of Shame!
Site Updated on March 13th, 2025
Sad Stories


2024 Online Scammers top Winners are:

 Camilla Rodrigues Netto da Costa Rocha or Camilla Netto Rocha Camilla Rodrigues Netto da Costa Rocha or Camilla Netto Rocha owes USD 1170.00 for rendered translation services She kept the translation work for personal gain and stole intellectual property. She ignores emails and phone calls. As of today, Camilla Rodrigues Netto da Costa Rocha or Camilla Netto Rocha did not paid the USD 1170.00 
Doutora e Mestre em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (ESPM-SP) (2017/2020). Educadora, pesquisadora e escritora. Criadora da Ponte Network, consultoria especializada em conectar pesquisadores com startups e pequenas/médias empresas. Autora do livro Família e Telenovela: um retrato 3x4 (2018). Larga experiência na área da educação, com produção de conteúdos didáticos e de aulas para grandes instituições e universidades do Estado de São Paulo, atuando como professora, produtora de conteúdo acadêmico, além de co-orientadora em projetos de conclusão de curso. Atualmente professora e pesquisadora no Instituto J&F para alunos do Ensino Fundamental e Médio explorando a área de gestão de negócios em bens de consumo, na Academia Seara/Flora, a partir dos eixos de marketing, comercial, supply chain e produto. Criadora e Editora da Revista Repensar - Revista da Prática Aplicada em Caso de Ensino. Pesquisadora no coletivo OCA - Organização, Cultura e Arte (UFBA). Graduação em Comunicação Social com ênfase em Publicidade e Propaganda pela Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing (2011/2014) e em Direito pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (2001/2005). Pesquisa e publica sobre ensino e aprendizagem em Administração, estudos organizacionais, storytelling e mídia.
CAMILLA Netto Rocha - Davenport, Florida, United States LinkedIn · CAMILLA Netto Rocha 880+ followers

This is unacceptable Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior! Unfortunately, Moniza Pereira Borges and
Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior do not think this way. Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior contacted a translation agency to translate 6 pages. A discount was offered, and he paid the invoice to schedule his translation. Yet, on the delivery date, Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior started to complain about the translation. The email quickly replied and asked Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior to contact us to discuss the matter. He refused. He was very blunt with his response to us. He even replied that he does not need to talk over the phone. Needless to say that he still send threatening emails. He even demands a refund! Needless to say that Rogerio Ribeiro Alvarenga Junior stole Intellectual property, the actual translation work for personal gain. Let us not allow that no one can send a job, pay for it, receive it and then turn around file a back charge on the credit card!

Katyane Azevedo Website: The above website traducao de carteira de motorista stole intellectual property by copying patented material into their website without express written permission. This is a classical "for my personal gain" scheme. Who would do business with ? We must exercise caution when dealing with someone that does not identify themselves online, nor a phone number, or email.
Porto Alegre, Brazil WHATSAPP +55 51 99212.7939 PORTO ALEGRE +55 51 3222.2277 São PAULO +55 11 2186.0222 Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Aka: Fidelity Translations Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed.

Karin Lefevre AKA: Karin Chapelle connected to:,, Reason: Karin needs to pay the translators in full and not in installments whenever she feels like it. Pay who you owe! So, Karin, what is your lousy fuckin excuse now? Let's guess: Oh! the Client didnt paid me, the check is in the mail, oh! something wrong with my bank account, Oh! My pen ran out of ink and I cannot sign the check, Oh I am full of shit!

El Dorado Hills Apartments, Tierra Santa, San Diego
 Reason: Be careful when renting property at El Dorado Hills. If you pay rent late, they will be harassing tenant by placing eviction notices at your door despite paying the late fee. If you settle an eviction notice once, you cannot get another one or have a chance to settle it. The manager, Jonathan Herbert does have an attitude by saying: "Oh! There is no special treatment!" Seems like you are doing him a favor! They forget that the tenant signs his paycheck. No wonder it is always vacant! Bunch of BS....

 You can open the account and start invoicing customers. Then, they will hold your funds for a week. By then, you will find out that they have NAB who funds the transaction investigating your charges. By then, they will turn around, decline to fund and close the account without notifying the customer account holder. They will ask you a ton of stuff and take their sweet time. The only way to contact them is placing a phone call. They do not reply to email messages. Thus, leaving you in the COLD! This one here should be closed now. Exercise Caution!

250 Stephenson Hwy Troy MI 48083 Stay away from them. They will stew around for more than a week to turn around and come up with some bullshit story, hold your funds, to tell you that they will not fund you because some charges were made with an overseas credit card and pose a risk. The person involved is Candice Cross. NAB funds Exercise caution when doing business with them. Exercise caution!

Flagship Merchant Services
 Stay away from them! Their support is terrible and if you have any chargeback, they will hold your funds for 90 to 180 days! They do not care for their customers at all! The customer account representative Brittany Stephenson will say: Oh! I will do everything on my power to expedite your issue! A bunch of lies because Ipayment funds the customers and not Flagship. Therefore, be careful who you do business with. Sneaky Folks! Exercise Caution

Ana Cecilia Maria de Camargo Andrade AKA: Ana Camargo or Ana Cecilia de Camargo Andrade Holdefher Reason: She hired translation services. Customer received the translation via email. Customer complained. The translation was edited 3 times. Customer took time to reply. Customer decided to charge back. Customer stole intellectual property by charging back and keeping the translation for personal gain. Exercise caution when dealing with Ana Cecilia de Carmargo Andrade Holdefher. She is a 1st Class scammer. Exercise caution! You will get burn!

Stay away from them! They will hold your funds for 90 to 365 days! they do not care for their customers at all! Its been 2 weeks and still holding the funds or refunding the customer's credit card. Ken Mejes from ipayment takes forever to reply to emails or even returning phone calls. He is very sneaky. He will call you or email at 4:54pm so he leaves at 5pm and when you return the call, he is gone until 9AM next day. Just stalling the process. Very sneaky folks.... Stay away from these folks at all cost! Exercise Caution

Western Union make your life miserable when trying to collect a payment online or at a western union agent. One cannot understand a word over the phone. They seem to be from somewhere in a tribe at North Afrika! Treat customer like stupid. Exercise Caution!

Fernanda Martinelly Assis Costa AKA "Nanda Costa" or Fernanda Costa (Irrational and uneducated individual) Exercise Caution 

Fernando Peres Fraga 

Gaetan Chretiennot

Paypal (Stay Away from them! never support loyal customer)

 Wepay Inc (Stay Away from Them!) Never support loyal customer. Prone bullshit wording. Thinking customer is stupid. Exercise caution 

One Hour Translation, Cyprus One Hour Translation, New York 

Cathy Zagar (Exercise Caution) Catherine Zagar (Exercise Caution) Monica de Assis Carvalho (Exercise Caution) 

Prof. Roberto Marco Alvarez de Blanco (IE Business School)

 Adrian Spidle (Biggest Crook in the World) 

Charles Whitman Curtis (1st Class Online Scammer)

 Gab Newman (1st Class Online Scammer)

 John Korth (1st Class Online Scammer) 

Legal Translator Network Corp (Boca Raton, Florida) 

Elisangela Korth (1st Class Online Scammer) 

Gabriela Newman (1st Class Online Scammer)

 IRU Language and Translation Service - Houston Texas

ttp:// Stealing intellectual Online Property without prior express permission for business profit gain since February 2014. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Till today, they still refuse to remove copied online content. [email protected]
Grupo Traddux Traducoes Isaac Nogueira Fone: (51) 3279-8290 - Cel: (51) 8498-7482 (51) 8245-5584 (51) 8023-2414

Travel Logde. La Mesa, California 
They tell you that the deposit will be credited into your card within one hour. It has been over 48 hours and no room deposited credited into the account. They keep telling to call the bank. Bunch of Bullshit ! Some receptionist treat customer like you owe them a favor. They forget that guest customer keeps him employed. They do not care at all. Travelodge La Mesa CA 7911 University Avenue, La Mesa, CA 91941 US

Merchant One 
Try to speak with someone to assist you with your issue? They give you the runaround. What bank they do business with? They think that customer is stupid or came in the US on a loaded truck of watermelons. There is no way that whoever they bank with to deposit funds are in the United States. They tell you that the funds are wired, but they never tell when it will be credited to your designated checking or savings account. and no one can tell you that. They blame the receiving bank. Their bank is not in the US base on evidence presented for 12 months. Exercise Caution Merchant One | 524 Arthur Godfrey Road, 3rd Floor | Miami Beach, FL 33140 e: [email protected] | p: 1.855.828.9929

Valeria Dias AKA: Valeria Vieira Dias, Valeria Neasbitt [email protected]
Valeria Dias stole intelectual property by charge backing her credit card for personal gain.

Walden University 
Having to wait more than 24 hours to speak with a Financial Aid Manager. When you call the main number and speak with someone that you need to talk to a manager, they tell you that they will send a message to the manager. Apparently, it seems to be a one man or woman operation. Walden University Financial Aid Department is a total mystery as to when student's refund are actually released. They must be collecting a good interest telling students that there is a 14 days waiting period to release the refund. It takes forever to receive a reply via email. Yet, they are swift in removing anything to do with scheduled disbursements. Try to speak or contact Walden Financial Aid Director? You won't! The only thing Walden University is good is when you owe them money. Their collection efforts are quick, they will call you! Can you imagine this? Is this customer service? Nobody at Walden University can tell you when your student refund will be releases, not the Walden Financial Aid Department, Walden Refunds Department, Walden Bursar Office but they sure know when the money comes in and hold the funds at their convenience and make interest of your student loan.
Ab Traduktalia Big Translation - Exercise Caution Migle Zuromskaite Administration Department Tel.+34 961155803 [email protected] [email protected] Craftsman Translation Studio (Zita) Parisa Tercume - Exercise Caution AB Traduklalia Carlos Isidro [email protected] Pearl Linguistics Ltd 2nd Floor, Moorfoot House Meridian Gate 222 Marshall Wall Isle of Dogos London E149FJ United Kingdom Global US Translation Owe several hundreds of dollars to a translator Business Translation Agency Owe several hundred dollars to a translator. They are located in Timisoara, Romania. Scammer name: Cris Oancea Lingual Consultancy Services PVT Ltd Scammer name: Bhupen Gogoi Owe several hundred dollars to a translator. This agency is located in India. Communique Traducciones Owe several hundred dollars to a translator. This agency is located in Valencia, Spain. Berlin Translate, Berlin Germany Owe several hundred dollars to a translator. This agency is located in Germany. Languages Unlimited, Florida Owe several hundred dollars to a translator. This agency is located in Florida.ção FG Group Consulting | Telefone Brasil: +55 (21) 3500-1805 | Telefone EUA: +1 (561) 826-6358ócios Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2019. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property for personal gains. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. SÃO PAULO (11) 2605-0081 SÃO PAULO (11) 2076-1088 BRASILIA (61) 4042-1059 GOIÂNIA (62) 3142-1821 SALVADOR (71) 4042-1024 RECIFE (81) 4042-1849 RIO DE JANEIRO (21) 4042-1319 BELO HORIZONTE (31) 4042-1161 CURITIBA (41) 4063-7376 PORTO ALEGRE (51) 4042-1115 Whatsapp (11) 94027-4891 Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2019. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. +55 31 99242-0794 [email protected] Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2019. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. [email protected] +55 (11) 3796.5506 || 3796.55 Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2019. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2019. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: R. Eugênio Flôr, 436 - Abranches, Curitiba - PR Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Al. Joaquim Eugenio de Lima, 881 CJ 1110 São Paulo - SP 01403-001 Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. Reason: São Paulo, Brazil - Curitiba, Brazil Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2017. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed. AKA: Wow Translations, Brazil Reason: Stealing intellectual Online Property Rights without prior express permission for business profit gain since January 2018. Exercise caution when doing business with someone that steals digital intellectual property. Upon removal of stolen intellectual property, this post will be removed.
Alexandre Rodrigues Nascimento Muller, Alex Müller, Alexandre Rodrigues Nascimento Müller, Teresa Cristina Rosa
Caloteiros nos Estados Unidos - Caloteiras nos Estados Unidos

Indivíduos que pedem informações, roubam propriedade intelectual e não respeitam o tempo das pessoas:

Carlos Roberto Bento Junior, João Victor Faria Pizzatto, Alex Müller, Alexandre Rodrigues Nascimento Müller, Teresa Cristina Rosa, Viviane Gaspar Ribas El MargaAani, Viviane El Margahani, Antonio Manoel dos Santos, Daiana Aparecida Ventura Ribeiro, Sandro Cassimiro da Silva, Isabela Luiza Pereira da Silva, Sarah Rodrigues de Barros, Fagner Braga Fernandes de Oliveira, Joselma Teixeira Remigio Lisboa de Carvalho, Maria Helena da Silva, Helena Figueiredo, Alejandro Jose Troconis Caraballo, Victor Souto, Erika Sena de Souza Ribeiro, Emile Orozimbo de Amorim, Gerson Alisson Faria, Allana Caroline, Claudionor Barbosa da Silva, Patricia Silva Coelho, Alexandre Rodrigues Nascimento Muller, Gilson Mendonça dos Santos Junior, Heliude de Quadros e Silva, Gabriela Morais Silva, Tiago Reis Macedo, Diego Alves Teixeira, Leidyane Sarter, Ana Carolina Pereira Marques, Leticia de Oliveira Daniel, Thiago Augusto de Oliveira, Erivelton Cordeiro Coutinho